
Frequently Asked Questions

What will you do when it rains?

We will be open rain or shine for the children to play outdoors.  All children will have been supplied with high quality waterproofs as part of their registration fee and the rain will just offer more opportunities for sensory exploration.  We can take shelter under our new Eco Shelter or in our beautiful Longhouse if need be. However, certain extreme weather conditions such as high winds, thunderstorms, floods and snow would make our woodland play too risky, so in these circumstances we will escape to one of our pre-approved, risk-assessed indoor venues. Instead of outings, we go on ‘innings’!

Where do children go to the loo?

We have a special camping toilets in the woods for the children to use and a hand-washing station with warm water and soap. For children still in nappies we also have a small pop up tent for nappy changing.

How safe is your setting?

While we embrace the benefits of risky play to develop resilience and independence, our children's safety is of first and foremost importance. We have the following strategies in place to ensure this:

High staff: child ratios
Highly trained and experienced staff
Our camps are within a gated and locked site. Visitors are signed in/ out and escorted to and from the main gates
Our kindergarten camp has its own fence and boundaries within the woodland
Visits made to the greater woodland will take place in smaller groups
Children will wear brightly-coloured uniforms to be easily spotted
Children will learn about keeping ourselves safe as part of our daily routine
Ongoing dynamic and long term risk assessments on the camp and wider woodland.

waiting list

Our Kindergarten intakes are in September and April. The waiting list is currently open to families for September 2025.
Families registered on our waiting list are invited to their preferred setting for a showaround, prior to being offered a place. Priority will be given to those with siblings and those who live within walking distance to our woodland. Please note we have a minimum requirement of 2 days or more per child per week.